Google's Android

Google's Android

Nov 06

Engadget has a nice round-up of all the Google Android news from yesterday.

I confess: I still do not understand exactly what it means, but what it seems to suggest is a smartphone powered by Google. Which is to say, a way to take all their genius productivity and organizational tools for your work and life with you wherever you go.

I’ve spent the past day playing with Google Reader (I know, I know–I’m behind the times on it) and I’m hoping it will finally be an RSS-style feed solution that works for me. I’ve tried others but this is one that I can shove into my existing iGoogle page, where I keep my to-do lists, assorted notes, and a few other toy gadgets, like quote of the day and so forth.

If I could carry my Reader anywhere, plus have a robust web surfing solution, PLUS the ability to pick up right where I left off online with Google at a PC or laptop…that’s a pretty potent package. It really seems to bring together internet functionality, organizational and productivity tools, and mobile technology in an as-yet-unseen concert of usability.

That’s my hope, at least.


  1. Steve

    If I could carry my Reader anywhere, plus have a robust web surfing solution, PLUS the ability to pick up right where I left off online with Google at a PC or laptop…then I would finally stop crying myself to sleep at night.

  2. If I had such a phone, I might leave the house more often. This says sad things about me. But I praise Google for pandering to my demographic.

  3. Let’s not fool ourselves…people like us don’t need an excuse to not leave the house.

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