Hasbro to Fans: GI Joe v. Cobra. Fans to Hasbro: No duh.
Nov 05
Hasbro to Fans: GI Joe v. Cobra. Fans to Hasbro: No duh.
Well, this is complete non-news – thanks Hasbro.
“Hasbro would like to clarify a few things. The GI Joe brand stands for honor and bravery. And the new movie will be GI Joe versus Cobra.”
“Uh. OK. That was a given, we thought.”
“We at Hasbro didn’t want people to be confused and think that the new movie was about the original GI Joe line of dol… action figures.”
“Couldn’t we pretty much think of every WW2 and Korean War movie ever made as definitive Original Joe movies?”
“Um… yes, that’s a possibility.’
“So, it would therefore make more sense to base the new movie on the 80s figures, since we’ve only seen them in action in a cartoon.”
“ahem… I’d like to thank you all for…”
“Ergo, this is a no-duh ploy for free press.”
“And now you know, and knowing is half the battle! Yo Joe!”
I think a hard-R GI Joe vs. Care Bears would probably be better.
Care Bear Stare system activated!
Targeting now!
Carebear Countdown… five, four, three, two, one!
C.B.S. hit! Fire for effect!
And the Care Bear Cousins are a ravenous inbred sect of Care Bears who explode onto the battle scene and start devouring Care Bears and Joes indiscriminately.
I see a green light for this one, Jeff.