MST3K is Dead. All hail Cinematic Titanic!

MST3K is Dead. All hail Cinematic Titanic!

Nov 01

I thought it was pretty darn cool when Mike Nelson hooked up with MSt3K alumnus Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett to create RiffTrax – even if they were essentially doing what I’d attempted and failed at (and may attempt yet again) with TrackZero. Downloadable DVD commentaries. Awesome.

But now, Joel is back, and he’s got the rest of the MSt3K crew. The new venture, which isn’t explained in much detail, seems to be more like the original show, though time will tell. And with a premiere launch boost from Lucasfilm, it’s set to be a monster.

The whole thing seems a little divisive, with there now being two, distinct camps of professional movie hecklers. But hey. Money. It’s a drag.


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