Mars Does the Limbo

Mars Does the Limbo

May 15

So the upfronts are this week and I’ve been waiting and waiting and gnawing my nails off and refreshing webpages in hopes of hearing the official word on the fate of Veronica Mars. It’s been a total rollercoaster for us Marsians. There was the news that the network was quite keen on Rob Thomas’ re-vamped Veronica, which fast-forwards a few years and showed us our girl as an FBI agent. There was continued buzz that the show’s less-than-stellar recent ratings spelled certain doom. When Gilmore Girls got canned, it actually seemed like a positive — one more drama slot on the schedule! But still no news of either a pick-up or a cancellation.

The CW presents Thursday, and virtually every series except Veronica has gotten the official word either way. Variety cites the old “people familiar with the situation” to claim it’s very likely done.’s Michael Ausiello sez Dawn Ostroff might not even make a decision until after the upfronts, which seems cruel and unusual (or marginally hopeful, depending on your outlook).

All this waiting is making me crabby. And yet, I’m still holding onto that slender ray of hope. It’s all I have, you understand. I guess this limbo situation speaks to the unique place the show inhabits: it’s a culty fan favorite that Ostroff reportedly loves, but it just doesn’t bring in the numbers of that fucking Pussycat Dolls show, or even the odious One Tree Hill. And yet, like so many culty fan favorites, the fans that do love it love it hard.

I’ve also heard that Rob doesn’t exactly resolve things in the season finale. Gulp.

If Veronica does leave the airwaves, it will mean the end of an era, for I will have no Iconic Girl Powah show to latch onto and that is a sad thing indeed. Before Veronica, there was Alias, and before Alias, there was Buffy. I guess I better hope that Bionic Woman (clips in that link, FYI) kicks ass, eh?

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