Dear Steve Jobs

Dear Steve Jobs

May 14

Subj: Urgent iPad Question

Hi Steve–I’m a hard-working, geeky American who has two kids (one in diapers), a mortgage, student loans–you know how it is.

I am obsessed with the iPad; I believe it truly is the future of computing and I know it will enhance my life, my hobbies, and my creative efforts.

Can you just send me an iPad? I have no reason to believe you will, nor do I honestly believe you should, but I believe there are no such things as stupid questions. (Although asking the CEO of Apple to send me a free product for no reason is as close to stupid as it gets, I admit. Good thing I’m not proud.)

Regardless, thanks for the iPhone, and the iPod, and all the other amazing products you and your company have created. I heart them.

Matt Springer


  1. ncbeets

    a reasonable request indeed!
    now, go drink more beer.

  2. Jeff

    REALLY??? You want one of those pieces of shit? And I used to have such high regard for you.

    Key word: used

  3. Matt

    Yes, an iPad is quite high on the long list of “pieces of shit I want.”

  4. Anika

    So, when the first ibooks came out — the colorful ones — I said I would get an Apple logo tattoo if they gave me a lime green one for free. Oddly, no one responded.

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