Lost 6.15 "Across The Sea"
Lost 6.15 "Across The Sea"
May 14Last time on LOST:
Sawyer deduces that the Smoke Monster is weak against water, is wrong.
Kate gets shot; the bullet is the most character development she has had to date.
Jack – really bad at keeping an eye on his stuff.
Sayid: “I’ve decided I’m good toda-” BOOM!
Jin and Sun – Reunited and the pressure at this depth is uncomfortable.
I’ve been wracking my brain trying to reconcile CJ Cregg’s role in LOST with her history on The Island. As best as I can figure, she crashed on the Island en route to Africa to oversee her charitable work with Hollis. This happened during the crazy time travel period chronicled in Season 5, and while the 815ers were bouncing to the 50s and the 70s and the whenevers, CJ wound up hundreds of years ago. Like people do.
All that Latin that she’s talking? Ronny Jordan lyrics.
Or maybe it happened another way.
Let’s talk about answers.
Any answer that we get about LOST, as the Woman so succinctly points out, will only lead to more questions. Ultimately, any answers that we’ll accept are going to be the ones we discover for ourselves. The theorizing and the scrutinizing is as much of a part of the experience of the show as the watching of it. In fact, there’s something to be said for the metacontext of lies, fakeouts and unanswered questions slowly turning a man bitter and evil, yes? Maybe? Is that reaching too far?
But in lieu of such ruminating, let’s turn our laser focus to the real mystery at the heart of the island – bad parenting, and maybe, in a macro sense, poor sharing/people skills in general (I mean, the Woman does just up and bash Claudia’s head in, and I’ve always been led to believe that that’s a bad behavior). Do any of these people have a good relationship with their parents? No? Is that why Jacob chose them, in an effort to work through his ‘I know you’re an evil witch lady who murdered my mom but I love you anyway because I’m codependent and a bit of a douchebag and I will gladly commend my twin brother to a fate worse than death for killing you after you slaughtered a whole mess of innocent people and wow it’s all like what is good and what is evil really because he just wanted to see the world and now he’s like some murderous fucking fog monster bro and I’m ridiculously smug about it when you’d think that maybe just maybe I’d be like a little guilty or have some kind of remorse instead of sitting on a log and talking about magic wine and shit but hey I’m Jacob what did you expect want to hang out in my magic lighthouse or play Othello in my secret wonder cave’ thing?’ Fuck you, Jacob.
Great review.
BUT, I will say I was hoping from the opening moments of the episode that your review would feature a return of “The Jackal,” which I think was one of your first posts here.
Hey, I referenced it. Never look back, I say. Except when I look back all the time.
I completely agree with the way you address “answers” in LOST. Particularly the part about “any answers that we’ll accept are going to be the ones we discover for ourselves.”
@T-Mauk: It’s telling that, for pretty much the first time, we get an episode that’s an hourlong infodump and….everybody hates it.
I have to say, too, that Tracie is spot-on–that paragraph is essential and should be read by every fan of the show before the finale.