Calling All Nerdblogs: What's Your True Geek Confession?

Calling All Nerdblogs: What's Your True Geek Confession?

Jan 15


The Alert Nerd brain trust is pleased to announce another very special Mega-Blog Crossover Event…and YOU can be part of it.

In the grand tradition of last year’s amazing “What’s Your Scott and Jean?” Day, we present…

True Geek Confessions

The Date: February 17

The Background: Unpopular opinions: we all have them. Sometimes you stand alone in loving a super niche-y run of a popular comic book series (like Sarah and her Tefe Holland thing). Sometimes you’re the only person on the entire planet to ‘ship a certain ‘ship. Sometimes you simply Do Not Get a movie the rest of your geeky brethren is falling all over themselves about. And because a lot of fandom is about sharing loves and hates and communing with your fellow geeks, this can feel awfully lonely. But perhaps if we confess our most unpopular opinions for all the internet to see…well, we’ll feel just a little bit better.

Here’s what you do: On February 17, write up a blog post with your own True Geek Confession. Send your link to sarah AT alertnerd DOT com. We will add you to our master list blog post and you can link back to said post. It will be exciting and wonderful and will hopefully not provoke too many “die in a fire” type arguments.

Confirmed Participants
: Fantastic Fangirls, Faust’s Fantastically Fantasmagoric Forum, The Book Smugglers, The Savage Critics’ Jeff Lester…maybe YOU?


  1. I’m in! I already know what I’m going to say


  1. The Book Smugglers » Blog Archive » Smugglers’ Stash & News - [...] year, it was “What’s Your Scott & Jean?” Day. This year, it’s all about True Geek Confessions. Here’s the…
  2. Department H » Blog Archive » Coming Soon: True Geek Confessions! 2/17 - the shadowy basement of Collier Comics - [...] note to say that we’ll be participating in Alert Nerd’s Mega-Blog Crossover Event, True Geek Confessions! It sounds like fun…
  3. Department H » Blog Archive » Coming Soon: True Geek Confessions! 2/17 - the shadowy basement of Collier Comics - [...] note to say that we’ll be participating in Alert Nerd’s Mega-Blog Crossover Event, True Geek Confessions! It sounds like fun…
  4. Department H » Blog Archive » The Week In Review: 1/18-1/24 - the shadowy basement of Collier Comics - [...] still participating in Alert Nerd’s True Geek Confessions crossover on February 17th, and attending the Long Beach Comics Expo…
  5. The Book Smugglers » Blog Archive » Smugglers’ Stash & News - [...] on Tuesday, and add your link to the Alert Nerd list. You can read all about the official event…
  6. The Book Smugglers » Blog Archive » Our True Geek Confessions - [...] Last year, it was the glorious What’s Your Scott and Jean event – in which several geeky bloggers got…
  7. True Geek Confession: Starship Troopers « - [...] there, and welcome to my personal corner of Alert Nerd’s Mega-Blog Crossover Event, True Geek Confessions. Inspired by Ana…
  8. Go, Wests! My True Geek Confession « Faust’s Fantastically Fantasmagoric Forum - [...] February 17, 2010 · Leave a Comment In the grand tradition of Scott & Jean Day, the geeks of…
  9. Q&A #59: Alert Nerd’s True Geek Confessions at Fantastic Fangirls: Comics and Culture - [...] then open the floor to comments. This week, we’re participating in Alert Nerd’s newest mega-blog crossover event, posing a…
  10. Blog » True Geek Confessions - [...] As a few others have inspired me, I am doing my part to contribute to Alert Nerd’s Mega-Blog Crossover…
  11. I LIKE BATMAN AND ROBIN, OKAY? (don’t judge me) « Robotic Wonderland - [...] Alert Nerd is doing their Geek Confessions mega crossover. It would make a lot of sense if I said…

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