My Kingdom for a Copy of She-Hulk #10!

My Kingdom for a Copy of She-Hulk #10!

Aug 13

I am so wishing Nerd Nation was a reality already. See, this weekend, Jeff and I were staying in a certain unfamiliar locale, and we wanted to find a decent comic shop so we could pick up our books. Thanks to some convoluted Googling, I located a place that seemed cool: newish shop, nifty name and mere steps away from where we were staying. We hustled on over there — and in approximately 30 seconds, we had come to a rather dismaying conclusion. The shop only stocked two things: graphic novels and RPGs. Which…nothing wrong with either, but there was nary a single issue in sight. No new comics. No tantalizing display of the week’s latest issues. What’s more, we were the only customers in sight, and the atmosphere was one of heavy silence coupled with sterile weirdness, so we didn’t quite feel comfortable asking what the deal was.

We decided to wander around the area a bit, and came upon a little olde thymey hobby shop with model trains, action figures annnnndddd…comic books! Huzzah! Only once we got inside, we found that said comic books were mysteriously ensconced behind the counter. No touchy! So…OK. I guess they don’t want you reading stuff you aren’t gonna buy, but…the books weren’t even displayed well. We craned our necks a bit, trying to suss out the full selection, but it was all for naught since old hobby shop proprietor dude was busy chatting up another customer and could not be bothered to take notice of us. Jeff was pretty put off by the whole behind-the-counter schtick anyway, so we ditched the place.

Both of those scenarios are…weird, right? And if NN existed, I might write up both of these places and name names, oh my! Instead, I shall just marvel at this particular town’s lack of a good shop in which to indulge in one of my weekly rituals of nerdery.


  1. I have She Hulk #10 – I bought it, not knowing why (I think the cover caught my eye) and it confirmed that I’m not a big She Hulk fan (not since the last Byrne series.)

    It’s yours lady – send me your mailing address again. I’m sure I have it somewhere, but better safe than sorry.

  2. Matt

    Well, hell, if Nerd Nation existed, you’d never even have gone into those shops–you would have popped over to Nerd Nation for a look at the best shop in your area, and then you’d HAVE your books. And we’d all be better people for it.

  3. Awww, thanks Chris! I’ll send you my address. Did you ever get that poster? Mail’s slow!

    Matt, I was thinking the exact same thing when I started looking for a comic shop in the area. If NN existed, I would have been hooked up immediately!

  4. I’m still waiting for the poster – the problem is compounded by the fact that the front of my building has been demolished for about a week now, making it impossible for the mail courier to actually enter the front lobby and leave us our mail. If they don’t get it sorted soon, I’m going to assume it’s arrived and march down to the post office, and see if it’s there.

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