

Aug 11

If you’re not picking up Paul Dini’s current run of Detective Comics, where he’s basically cranking out tight-ass little done-in-ones every month, you may kick yourself now. This is shaping up to be a GREAT run.

Somehow Dini mixes a decidedly Animated Series-inspired take on the character and Gotham with a more tense, adult approach–and I’m not just saying that because a scene in the last issue featured an S&M club. These aren’t kids stories, or really for kids, but they get to the essence of Batman just as the Animated Series did.

There’s even awesome little touches, like Batman offering a guy he’s just interrogated a band-aid for the cut on his face. NICE, Dini. NICE.

Will it be one of the all-time great Bat-runs? Way too early to say. I will say, however, that it’s really fucking great, and the first decade of the aughts has yet to produce its great Bat-run, so it’s already a contender in my book.

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