Geek Potpourri

Geek Potpourri

Aug 08

I got sick right after Comic-Con and feel like I am still just catching up on everything. Perhaps someday I will have finally waded through the entire Civil War checklist and viewed all the saved Dead Zones on my TiVo and watched the many hilarious viral videos making the e-rounds. Don’t hassle the Hoff! And please come jump in my car! (I know, that one’s already old.)

Anyway, in an effort to begin the catch-up process, here are a few geek thoughts pingin’ around the old brain, not in any sort of coherent order.

1. I figured Jordan Collier would show up sooner or later this season on The 4400, but how incredibly perfect that he appeared right before The Wedding of Crazy? Awesome and unexpected. That combined with the weird/sweet romance between geek-approved guest stars Summer Glau and Jeffrey Combs a couple weeks ago is enough to make me forgive the show for ditching my TV Girlfriend, Karina Lombard.

2. I’m really excited that Raina Telgemeier is doing more Baby-Sitters Club graphic novels, and I noticed that the next one she’s working on is The Truth About Stacey. Old skool BSC aficionados (ie, lots of chicks in my age bracket) know that this is book #3 in the actual series…what about #2, Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls?! I was momentarily distressed, since wild-dressing, junk food-loving, Asian American sistah Claudia was always my favorite BSC-er. But then I saw that Raina addressed this very query on her BSC-centric livejournal. Claudia and Mean Janine, #7 in the book series, will be #4 of the GNs. Huzzah! And if I remember the story correctly, it shall make for a very lovely and touching comic indeed. I wonder if Raina plans to do anything with the second tier BSC-ers — Dawn, Mallory, Jessi, etc? Maybe she talks about that somewhere, too. I should keep reading.

3. The most fascinating blog posting/comments discussion I’ve seen in a bit: Apparently, in his spare time, Mark Millar just swims around in a big pile of MONEY!

4. Inquiring minds want to know: has a certain Chris Stewart received the very special, slightly dinged Penny Arcade poster acquired at CC?


  1. Matt

    not sure about chris but I loved my little stack of San Diego what-nots! i have a post percolating about a few of the GREAT indie books you picked up for me…Agreeable Comics is fab.

  2. Sarah

    Oooh! I’m so glad you liked those books. I flipped through some of them myself, looked like there was some great stuff in the mix.

  3. Chris

    Not yet I\\\’m afraid, but I\\\’m watching for it, don\\\’t you worry.

    Here, you 4400 nut you.
    (I wanted to send you to the right page, but Wiki not like that – so I\’m sending you to the episode guide. Season three, Blink.)

    Matt Anderson, voice actor in a certain Sword of the Stars PC strategy game.

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