On the (Nerd) Road: Heroes and Villains

On the (Nerd) Road: Heroes and Villains

Aug 05

As I sift thru my pics from my cross-country road trip to move from LA to Orlando, I realize I did have a handful of decidedly nerdy adventures. Which shall be posted herein, as part of a series of indeterminate length, ensuing over the coming final days.

You heard me. FINAL DAYS. End of the world. I’ll say more later.

Right now, let me introduce you to a fine comic shop, Heroes and Villains in Tuscon, AZ.

In sketching out the plans for my trip, I had slightly ambitious goals for comic book hunting–a shop in El Paso for my Wednesday books, then another shop the next day in San Antonio convenient to the 10, along with a visit to a Half-Price Books location also near the 10 in San Antonio.

In reality, this is a LONG ass drive–taking a highway through all of Texas alone is enough to crush the soul–and so I just made a mad grab on Wednesday to get my comics so I wouldn’t be stuck in Florida visiting ten shops just to find one damn copy of some stupid Civil War tie-in that I could have purchased handily on the day it came out.

My cell phone tipped me off to Heroes and Villains in Tuscon, and since it was easy to find, we popped in. Courteous staff, good selection, everything I needed, and valuable info about a few books that I thought would be out that day, but actually weren’t. Their back issue selection was nil, but I did score a copy of New Avengers Annual #1 for just one dollar, which is pretty sweet.

Not quite as sweet: Their “Ten books for $6.99” packs. I can’t resist these blind buy value deals, so I bought one, and I got…a couple duplicates, a disproportionate amount of random issues from the middle of the Thunderbolts’ 100-plus run, and the “Nuff Said” issue of Thor. My philosophy: If I buy ten comics without seeing a single one, at least make sure I’m not getting duplicates.

All in all, a nice stop. Makes me want to find some way to document these occasional random trips I get to make into strange comic book stores. I also took a piss at the Jack in the Box across the street. It was…a relief.

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