Aug 03
I’m finally about caught up on my comics from the last few weeks and just finished Runaways #18. I knew someone was gonna die, but…dude.
SPOILERS after the jump.
Gert? Gert?!?!!! That is so not cool, Brian K. Vaughan. Gert is adored by the clunky glasses-wearing legions of the nerd girl world! Gert is the one who, endearingly, does not look like a typical superhero or a generic, cutesy teenage girl (note: I am not saying the other girl characters look at all generic, just that Gert is the most mold-breaking of the lot). Gert is the one with the smartass remarks, the witty rejoinders. Gert keeps the humor in play. Gert is purple-haired and awesome.
Did it have to be Gert?
SIGH. Vaughan explains himself here.
I smell Fangirl Rage brewing over this one. (like heated metal mixed with that dry-heat Spruce smell saunas have, if anyone was wondering what that smell is, exactly.) Pleasant at first, then quickly uncomfortable.
I hadn’t read any Runaways until the Civil War issue. Fucking Marvel.
From the Vaughan interview:
These next few issues are going to focus on Chase and how he deals with this tragedy.
Cool female character dies, providing character-building angst for male character. Freakin’ typical.
(Disclaimer: I do not read Runaways.)
Yeah, it had to be Gert, precisely because she was the best character in the book. If it was the robot guy? Meh. Chase? I might be less ambivalent.
But Gert? We cared about Gert. It was like a punch in the stomach when she died. No other character would have worked as well. If Vaughn can pull off the follow up–and I’m not convinced that he can, but I’m hopeful–then it won’t be just another excuse for angst. It’ll be a high point in a damn good story.