Calling All Geekblogs: What's Your Scott and Jean?

Calling All Geekblogs: What's Your Scott and Jean?

Mar 17


The Alert Nerd brain trust is pleased to announce a very special Mega-Blog Crossover Event…and YOU can be part of it!

No, not you, Guy Skulking Around the Back Issue Bins in Full Rorschach Regalia. You kind of scare us. For the rest of you geekbloggers, here are the details.

The Date: March 30

The Theme: What’s Your Scott and Jean?

The Background: Such an awesome theme could only have been birthed on Twitter. Simply put, when someone says “that’s my Scott and Jean,” it essentially means “that’s my geek sacred cow.” It’s the issue/coupling/whatever that you pretty much can’t discuss because you are too passionate about it and it makes you too crazy. You might hear perfectly reasonable arguments against said coupling/issue/whatever, but you cannot process them. It’s like That One Thing. It could be something like “Scott Summers and Jean Grey are supposed to be together and that is just how it is.” Or maybe “the new Battlestar Galactica does not exist for me because it is not the old Battlestar Galactica.” Or “The only correct portrayals of Batman are the ones that contain X, Y, and Z.” You get the idea. It’s your nerd mental block.

The Participants: (thus far) Alert Nerd, Fantastic Fangirls, Faust’s Fantastically Fantasmagoric Forum, Geeked…maybe YOU?

Here’s what you do: on March 30 (which, incidentally, is the date that the issue of X-Men featuring Jean and Scott’s wedding debuted), write up a blog post delving into the question What’s Your Scott and Jean? Send your link to sarah AT alertnerd DOT com. We will add you to our master blog post and you can link back to said post. It will be delightful for all involved.

Either that, or it will just cause a bunch of new arguments! Hurrah!


  1. Mike Miller

    I’m in.

  2. SO in!

  3. Ana

    Count us in: Ana and Thea from The Book Smugglers!


  1. Watch this space! at Fantastic Fangirls: Comics and Culture - [...] In Q & A, a weekly feature of Fantastic Fangirls, we ask our staff to tackle a simple question…
  2. In a World… « Faust’s Fantastically Fantasmagoric Forum - [...] I know you’re thinking “Scott and Jean…yeah-buh-whaa?”  Essentially, a “Scott and Jean” is sort of your personal geek sacred…
  3. The Book Smugglers: Smuggling Since 2007 | Reviewing Romance & SF Since 2008 » Blog Archive » Smugglers Stash and News - [...] What’s Your Scott and Jean? [...]
  4. My Scott and Jean: The Master List | alert nerd. - [...] had a thought: why not challenge a bunch of nerdbloggers to reveal their Scott and Jeans/geek sacred cows for…
  5. Q & A 22: What is your “Scott and Jean”? at Fantastic Fangirls: Comics and Culture - [...] we are participating in a cross-blog event conceived by Alert Nerd and dedicated to the question What is your…
  6. The Book Smugglers » Blog Archive » BBAW: Day 1 - [...] sweet, and I can’t believe we only discovered it this year (after their wonderful “What’s Your Scott and Jean”…
  7. No Scott & Jean for me. | - [...] good folk at Alert Nerd challenged the comics blogosphere to talk about their Scott and Jean a couple of…

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