Dreaming of Jarvis Cocker

Dreaming of Jarvis Cocker

Aug 23

Jarvis Cocker, lead singer of the brilliant Britpop band Pulp, wrote songs for some strange Broadway show. I believe puppets were involved.

During the day, he worked at some kind of weird antique/knick-knack shop. And he suddenly was something like eight or nine feet tall.

I go in, and we have a short polite conversation, but the whole time I’m thinking, “Oh shit it’s Jarvis Cocker I fucking LOVE him.”

Then he disappears, back into the store, and I open this side door, and talk to a few nice ladies about how much I love Jarvis Cocker, and they’re so nice, and then the next thing I know, some strange book has turned up in my possession, with the nicest inscription by Jarvis Cocker.

Then I woke up.

1 comment

  1. Jeff


    Did you or did you not have sex with Jarvis?

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