Rearranging Toys

Rearranging Toys

Feb 23

I’ve been possessed by a crazy cleanliness and neatness streak at work, and this morning, with my boss out of the office and a quiet few minutes, it finally spilled over to the arrangement of my various desk toys.

I have a relatively random assortment of toys scattered around my desk; most of them made their way to this office from previous offices, and a few have been more recent additions. Here’s what I finally settled on, basically two staging areas:


Staging Area One is my poor man’s shrine to the Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire era of Justice League, consisting mostly of DC MiniMates (Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Power Girl, Dr. Fate, blue/gold Batman, Superman, and the Blue Beetle/Booster Gold team) and a few JLU figures (Elongated Man, Rocket Red, Mr. Miracle).

When this obsession first hit full-scale, I became so fixated that I bought random figs just to create my own custom Maxwell Lord. He’s the guy on the right in the back row, complete with stogie in his hand. Next to him is a crappy “custom” Oberon that needs a lot of work.

Just sorta “hanging out” are my X-Wing, BSG new-era Viper, and 1989 Batmobile; you can see part of my Snoopy typing statue, and next to that but off-camera is my 1966 Batmobile, an Xmas gift from a pal here at work. To the far left, off-camera and just in random spots, are my old Super Powers Batman and a 7” Iron Giant.


This is Staging Area Two, and looking at it now, I’m less satisfied with it; it seems cramped. It’s mostly my collection of Star Wars Bust-Ups, another brief obsession that I actually hope to return to someday, as I think they’re really cool and relatively inexpensive. My favorite is the Obi-Wan animated, even though it’s not from my favorite Star Wars era; I also have one at a different spot on my desk that’s OT Han in his classic “holding blaster, looking badass” pose from that famous promo still of him and Chewie. Standing guard over them is the current JLU Superman and Bats, with a foppish Han holding his medal from A New Hope between them.

Now…I’m thinking about doing some actual work.


  1. What’s that action figure that looks like sanitizing lotion? Some X-Man mutant I was unawares of?

  2. What’s that case your Minimates are residing in? I could use something like that.

  3. Jeff: Yes, that’s Hand Sanitizer Man, introduced in X-Men #324. DO YOU RESEARCH NERD.

    Sarah: I forgot where I got that! I bought a bunch of them at once, from an online store, like three or four years ago…my googling right now isn’t helping much either. I can send you one of mine if you want…lemme know. I think I have like 3 or 4 of them that I’m just saving for someday when I have my own office. But they’re just right for Minimates/Bust-ups type figs…not so much for like regular size figs, I don’t think.

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