Butthash, anyone?
It’s a beautiful thing when a stray gamer in-joke becomes bastardized into a slang term for drugs made of fermented shit and piss.
(Finish your snack before you click that link, because I guarantee you’ll lose your appetite.)
Join Starfleet Academy!
A friend just sent me word of this exciting open casting call. I was seriously considering going until I got to the part where you need to be “thin, athletic and fit.” Sadly, this disqualifies me…and — if I may be so bold — a good number of fellow Star Trek fans.
>Star Trek Casting Call!
> A casting call has gone out for J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek. Here are
> the details:
> Seeking:
> [MALES & FEMALES] – Ages 18-70, any ethnicity: to play Cadets:
> young, fresh-faced, Military types: marching experience preferred,
> thin, regal talent with BROWN or BLACK hair AND are OK with their
> eyebrows being shaved from the arch outward to portray a Vulcan-
> type eyebrow shape.
> Talent with interesting and unique facial features such as: long
> necks, small heads, extremely large heads, wide-set eyes, bug eyes,
> close-set eyes, large forehead, short upper lip, pronounced
> cheekbones, over- or undersized ears and/or nose, facial
> deformities, ultra plain-looking people, ultra perfect-looking
> people, pure wholesome looks, twins, triplets, emaciated talent,
> regally poised and postured talent, or other visually unique
> characteristics.
> Everyone must be thin, athletic, fit; wardrobe will be form-
> fitting. All hair lengths on males and females welcome.
> Bring: Close-up full facial NON-SMILING snapshot AND a waist-up
> body shot in Fitted Clothing.
> Ladies with long hair, PLEASE pull your hair back in a severe
> ponytail. Do not wear heavy makeup in your photograph. If your hair
> is long, let the ponytail length show over your shoulder. If you do
> not have these photos, we will take them of you for free.
> Wear fitted clothing for the photo.
> Open Call: Saturday, November 10, 2007.
> Hours: 2:30-5 p.m.
> Address: 3108 W. Magnolia Blvd.
> Burbank, CA 91505
> (across from Pinocchio’s Restaurant)
> Starring Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy, Eric Bana, Chris Pine, Karl
> Urban, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin, Zoe Saldana and John Cho, Star
> Trek is scheduled to open in theaters on December 25, 2008. Filming
> on the Paramount release starts tomorrow, November 7th.
Google's Android
Engadget has a nice round-up of all the Google Android news from yesterday.
I confess: I still do not understand exactly what it means, but what it seems to suggest is a smartphone powered by Google. Which is to say, a way to take all their genius productivity and organizational tools for your work and life with you wherever you go.
I’ve spent the past day playing with Google Reader (I know, I know–I’m behind the times on it) and I’m hoping it will finally be an RSS-style feed solution that works for me. I’ve tried others but this is one that I can shove into my existing iGoogle page, where I keep my to-do lists, assorted notes, and a few other toy gadgets, like quote of the day and so forth.
If I could carry my Reader anywhere, plus have a robust web surfing solution, PLUS the ability to pick up right where I left off online with Google at a PC or laptop…that’s a pretty potent package. It really seems to bring together internet functionality, organizational and productivity tools, and mobile technology in an as-yet-unseen concert of usability.
That’s my hope, at least.
Hasbro to Fans: GI Joe v. Cobra. Fans to Hasbro: No duh.
Well, this is complete non-news – thanks Hasbro.
“Hasbro would like to clarify a few things. The GI Joe brand stands for honor and bravery. And the new movie will be GI Joe versus Cobra.”
“Uh. OK. That was a given, we thought.”
“We at Hasbro didn’t want people to be confused and think that the new movie was about the original GI Joe line of dol… action figures.”
“Couldn’t we pretty much think of every WW2 and Korean War movie ever made as definitive Original Joe movies?”
“Um… yes, that’s a possibility.’
“So, it would therefore make more sense to base the new movie on the 80s figures, since we’ve only seen them in action in a cartoon.”
“ahem… I’d like to thank you all for…”
“Ergo, this is a no-duh ploy for free press.”
“And now you know, and knowing is half the battle! Yo Joe!”
McG to remake Spaced
It’s like someone announcing a train will soon cross a busy crossway. It might be cool to see the train, but part of you also suspects it’s just asking for trouble.
Fox has announced that they will be bringing the Edgar Wright/Simon Pegg/Jessica Hynes series Spaced to American television. Not as was originally filmed, but as a remake, helmed by McG.
Yes, that’s when my heart stopped too.
Certainly The Office translated well to the US, but then they had the involvement of Ricky Gervais, one of the creators of the original show (plus a fantastic cast.) Let’s us not forget the questionable decision to bring over The IT Crowd, or the confirmed, wet, flatulent flop that was the US remake of Red Dwarf.
Perhaps if I were to stand directly on the train tracks…