Zachary Quinto as Spock
First pics of the new Kid Spock. Not quite as cute as the old Kid Spock.
Sarah needs an avatar…
…at Heavy Ink.
I’m just saying.
I vote for an “I <3 UR Muffin Tins" avatar.
Friday Linkage
Here’s an article I wrote about Katee Sackhoff. I initially described Sarah Corvus as a “leather-clad” baddie, but then I realized the jacket she usually wears is not actually leather — just really dark black. Though, in a recent episode, she did have a leather jacket on, so I guess the statement was technically true. But I changed it anyway, my vision clouded with thousands upon thousands of angry internet posts about my general idiocy and lack of attention to detail.
A lot of your favorite geek TV writers are blogging — and blogging well — about the strike. Mark Verheiden, Jane Espenson and yes, Joss Whedon all have thoughts to share (I can’t seem to link directly to Joss’ posts as Whedonesque is having some issues…but they might be fixed by the time you read this).
I, meanwhile, am blogging about way less important stuff as part of NaBloPoMo. There is a random Joss sighting in there, though, if you enjoy such things.
New Trek Costumes (Or, Reason #3,456,242 Why I Love The Net)
There are “spy pics” now online that allegedly give us “a glimpse” of the costumes being worn by crew members in the upcoming JJ Abrams’ Star Trek movie.
Thing is, the extras photographed traipsing around the backlot are required to wear long, bulky, and totally protective black trenchcoats–just to thwart this kind of spy work from being executed.
So if you squint, really really hard, and clap your hands and make a wish, you MIGHT see a SLIGHT swatch of color. Maybe. Sorta. Kinda.
Yet there I was, squinting and clapping and wishing, like any dutiful nerd.
How did we view largely useless spy photography of a major movie shoot before the web? I don’t even remember.
You ever see that episode of Robot Chicken when Seth Green’s dolly avatar walks into a scene to announce his amazement that they actually made a Sleepaway Camp reference?
I kind of feel like that about someone spoofing Enemy Mine. Awesome! And bizarre!