Nerd Nation

Nerd Nation

Aug 08

So Chris and I have been batting around this idea (or maybe I’ve just been batting him about the head with it) to do some kind of website chronicling nerd hotspots, tourist attractions, and retail experiences across the country. (Maybe across the continent? Chris IS from Canadialand, after all.)

Today it’s hard to get this notion out of my head. There are a few good places to find info on nerd stores in your area, most of them listed under the generic header of “comic shop,” and we all know how to get to the closest EB Games or GameStop.

But to actually offer useful info about these places in the form of a review–that intrigues me. I mean, who actually writes reviews of comic book stores? And yet, isn’t this one niche market that deserves some examination from its loyal customer base? We’ve all bitched a time or two about a really crappy store, I’m sure. Now you could actually go to a site and write a comment on that clerk who treated you like shit, or that dump that smelled like ass pit, or the place where their “new” comics all dated from 1974…in a BAD way.

Anyone who travels even a little bit might find it helpful. And if that’s just me, well then, so be it. I wasn’t asking YOU to read it, anyways.

On the (Nerd) Road: Heroes and Villains

On the (Nerd) Road: Heroes and Villains

Aug 05

As I sift thru my pics from my cross-country road trip to move from LA to Orlando, I realize I did have a handful of decidedly nerdy adventures. Which shall be posted herein, as part of a series of indeterminate length, ensuing over the coming final days.

You heard me. FINAL DAYS. End of the world. I’ll say more later.

Right now, let me introduce you to a fine comic shop, Heroes and Villains in Tuscon, AZ.

Can the Internet be any cooler? No.

Can the Internet be any cooler? No.

Aug 05

YouTube is just an insane wealth of good times.

Space Knights – Star Wars run through a 1930s film serial lens.

Darth Vader Being A Smartass – Best. Editting. Ever.

DJ Keltech schools us on the art of pitch bending and manual playback.

fivealex posts one of the biggest collections of old talk show footage I’ve ever seen. Bill Murray pushing Ghostbusters. Pee-Wee Herman’s Letterman appearances. And on. And on. And on.

TrueNuff TV – Funny group of guys and their shots at the new Mac ads are classic. “Photoshop is not a game.”



Aug 03

I’m finally about caught up on my comics from the last few weeks and just finished Runaways #18. I knew someone was gonna die, but…dude.

SPOILERS after the jump.

AV Club goes nerdy. More nerdy.

AV Club goes nerdy. More nerdy.

Aug 02

This weeks update on The Onion’s AV Club features Random Rules with Brian K Vaughan (Matt, Sarah, we’re so going to do Random Rules here some day), a look at the San Deigo Comic Con and if it’s headed in the right direction (I prefer Sarah’s report), and an interview with Comicdom’s biggest personality (next to Stan Lee), Alan Moore.