

Aug 18

Swiped from Greg Rucka:

What’s the difference between Civil War and that guy from N’Sync?


Aversion Therapy on a Plane

Aversion Therapy on a Plane

Aug 18

I won’t review it – there will be enough hype (if it isn’t maxed out already.) I will say that the whole thing was a hoot, mostly due to the crowd. Here’s the short list why (and things you may want to consider too.)

– I highly recommend that anyone seeing the movie bring a flashlight and pals with flashlights. You’ll know when to use it.
-Paper airplanes were tossed every time the plane got an exterior shot in flight.
– Rubber snakes were all over the place (one guy actually brought his pet constrictor.)
– Help Sam Jackson by ending all his stern lines with “Bitch!”
– Get ready to yell after Rick.
– Cheer every chance you can think of.
– Try not to go too deep into the movie.*

*Honestly, the whole thing felt like the surprise internet hype machine required them to toss everything in they could think of, including a really really bad music video during the credits. I nicknamed one poor Vancouver day player Special Agent Exposition.

But damn… so much fun.

Sequel possibilities;

Sharks on a Boat
Spiders on a Bus
Wasps on a Blimp

News that makes me numb

News that makes me numb

Aug 17

Story the first: Third-season changes in store for Lost.

Season two cranked things up enough at the end to grab me again, but this show has become for me a slow deterioration from the first season’s effortless brilliance. Maybe it’s one of those cases where nothing could ever have kept the creepy momentum going forward, save the kind of complete creative reinvention that is anathema to TV. But since I get the sense more and more that they don’t know where they’re going and they’ve never known, fuck it–if they don’t really give a shit, why should I?

Story the second: Fantastic Four 2 (or just “Number Two,” referencing a biological human function that seems commensurate with the quality level the film will eventually offer to its audience) has a new title, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

Boy, that first movie was a cesspool of failed potential, percolating promise, and wasted money, weren’t it, though? So I’m super shrugged about the sequel. It does strike me as VERY odd to imagine any actor portraying the Silver Surfer…maybe the first comics character where I can’t easily imagine someone actually wearing makeup and playing the role. Maybe CG? Even so, still strange.

Man, maybe it’s summer or distractions or gas. But nothing on the movie or teevee front is really greasing my chops lately from a geek perspective. It’s all about the comics, comics, comics. And reality TV, glimpsed in fits and starts, when I’m not cradling a baby or trying to communicate with my wife for ten minutes before or after cradling a baby.


Civil War Delayed; The Internet Kerplodinates

Civil War Delayed; The Internet Kerplodinates

Aug 16

If you’re a geek with a brain pan, you’ve already heard–Civil War, the mega crossover event Marvel is currently issuing upon the universe at large, will be late. Like six weeks late. Many things. Maybe most, or all things. BIG books here: Civil War itself, Amazing Spider-Man, Fantastic Four.

Lots of fun coverage of this, slicing and dicing the news and creating some fun Julienne fries from the wreckage:

Retailer and blogginator Brian Hibbs on why this is, to use his terminology, “fucked up.”

Blog @ Newsarama rounds up some fun message board ephemera covering the topic.

Comments from artist Steve McNiven and Bryan Hitch on the delays. Hint: McNiven cowboys up and takes the hit.

And on Newsarama’s boards, a personal favorite: A swipe from Joe Quesada’s boards where Tom Brevoort calls Dan Slott out on lateness, which it’s worth noting he hasn’t yet done for Steve McNiven. Maybe he will. I doubt it.

May I now unpack?



Aug 15

It’s been idle for awhile, but I’m working to dust off Track Zero again. I’m poised to upload a new episode and I just took a moment to move my 99p Challenge archive onto the Track Zero site – if you’re not familiar with the 99p Challenge, but are on the lookout for a half hour of comedy to listen to on your iPod, you should check it out. (I’d forgotten I had a link to the BBCs Hyperdrive website, which has the hilarious Lallakiss battle anthem. “Rap in the middle! This is the rap in the middle!”)

wikiWikiWikiWhack: Hyperdrive, 99p Challenge